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FeedPRTG Sound in iPad's Safari Browser



I'm testing the use of aWiFi iPad to present a continuous dashboard display but for some reason the alerts never make a sound. The same user, when left open on a notebook, always sounds the alerts. All other sounds, browser-based and otherwise, on the iPad are easily heard.

Any ideas on how to get PRTG sounds in the iPad browser?

ipad iprtg notifications prtg safari sound

Created on Jun 8, 2010 6:07:46 PM

Last change on Jun 9, 2010 8:16:58 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Best Answer

Accepted Answer



The end result of this for now is that the sound on a notebook is dependent on the browser, it's settings and it's plugins but it is possible and seems to generally work fine.

As for my original question about the mobile Safari on iPad, it seems mobile Safari is limited in this area. It will not autoplay either a WAV or MP3 sound file with any of several traditional coding methods I tested and according to research I've found it doesn't implement the newer HTML5 <audio> tags either at this time.

Thanks for all the input and behind the scenes help from PRTG support.


Created on Jun 10, 2010 1:01:11 PM

5 Replies



Dear Robert,

you could install iPRTG 2 (just released!) on your iPad and use vibration alarms (sound alarms are planned for the next release of iPRTG 2).

Created on Jun 9, 2010 8:16:43 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Last change on Jun 15, 2010 7:39:16 AM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]



I've been using a Google Chrome browser on a notebook to monitor now for several weeks and I hear all the error notifications. It makes an electric warbling sound. And I've now tested the Safari browser on a notebook and it sounds as does Internet Explorer.

So the issue may be more about the iPad's limited version of Safari.

Vibration alerts in the iPRTG2 would be inadequate since the intention is to have a series of small, wireless panels scattered around our area that would immediately draw attention if there's an issue. The tiny popups are too small to draw that attention and vibration would not work either. Sound is really the only way to go. When iPRTG2 does sound that may be the solution if I don't find a better browser or better hardware platform; this is just a test of iPad.

Created on Jun 9, 2010 1:10:03 PM

Last change on Jun 9, 2010 3:01:12 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]



When you enable the Play Audible Alarms option in the User Account settings (choose Setup | User Accounts –> click on according user account), a WAV file will be embedded into either all or only the dashboard web pages of PRTG (depending on your setting).

Following code is then added to the web pages that PRTG delivers:

<embed src="/sounds/beep.wav" autostart="false" autoplay="false" width="0" height="0" id="alarmsound" enablejavascript="true" controller="false" type="audio/wav">

It depends on the browser if these sounds are played. Firefox 3.6, for example, asks for an additional Quick Time plugin to play the sound. Chrome in version 5.0 without Quick Time installed may also not play the WAV file (without any notice), while Internet Explorer 8.0 does play the file.

So, maybe additional plugins would be necessary on the iPad to play embedded WAV files.

Created on Jun 9, 2010 3:26:07 PM by  Daniel Zobel [Product Manager]

Accepted Answer



The end result of this for now is that the sound on a notebook is dependent on the browser, it's settings and it's plugins but it is possible and seems to generally work fine.

As for my original question about the mobile Safari on iPad, it seems mobile Safari is limited in this area. It will not autoplay either a WAV or MP3 sound file with any of several traditional coding methods I tested and according to research I've found it doesn't implement the newer HTML5 <audio> tags either at this time.

Thanks for all the input and behind the scenes help from PRTG support.


Created on Jun 10, 2010 1:01:11 PM

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