When you enable the Play Audible Alarms option in the User Account settings (choose Setup | User Accounts –> click on according user account), a WAV file will be embedded into either all or only the dashboard web pages of PRTG (depending on your setting).
Following code is then added to the web pages that PRTG delivers:
<embed src="/sounds/beep.wav" autostart="false" autoplay="false" width="0" height="0" id="alarmsound" enablejavascript="true" controller="false" type="audio/wav">
It depends on the browser if these sounds are played. Firefox 3.6, for example, asks for an additional Quick Time plugin to play the sound. Chrome in version 5.0 without Quick Time installed may also not play the WAV file (without any notice), while Internet Explorer 8.0 does play the file.
So, maybe additional plugins would be necessary on the iPad to play embedded WAV files.
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