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FeedAdding a sensor manually not working



I am trying to add a sensor to a free-bsd device but no sensors come up when I try to specify a sensor type. The device cannot be pinged but it is alive. It can be contacted via SSH and HTTP but when I choose those connection types nothing comes up as a possible sensor to add. I did auto-discovery and all it found were a few disk SSH sensors. I am running the latest release of PRTG x64 on a Win8 PC (both probe and server and ajax client).

adding-sensors free-bsd manual

Created on Jul 2, 2013 9:16:04 AM

5 Replies



When you say no sensors come up when you try to specify a sensor type, do you mean that it does not generate a list of sensors from which to choose from? I.e. they are not visually displayed?

Created on Jul 2, 2013 1:43:45 PM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3



Correct. When I click on "Add Sensor" and no matter what category I choose no sensors come up to be chosen. I've tried clicking on almost every category and it always says "Results: 0".

My guess is this has something to do with there not being a Ping sensor for the device --- but that is just a guess. It would be a shame if you had to always have a Ping sensor in order to add any other kind of sensor.

Created on Jul 2, 2013 1:47:06 PM



This shouldn't be the case. Please try adding the user in case (i.e. the user trying to add the sensors) to a different user group with the appropriate access rights and try again. Does that work?

Created on Jul 2, 2013 2:05:29 PM by  Patrick Hutter [Paessler Support] (7,225) 3 3



You are correct, I can't manually add a sensor to any device! I can add devices and do auto-discovery but manually adding a sensor seems to be broken. I am logged in as the PRTG administrator so I should have the ability to do that no matter what the user access is set to, correct? Or is there some master setting I need to review to make sure the administrator can manually add a sensor?

Created on Jul 2, 2013 2:30:51 PM



I re-booted my PC and now I can add sensors again. Not sure why that fixed it but it did. I didn't change anything other than re-boot the PC to get it to work.

Created on Jul 2, 2013 11:44:46 PM

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