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FeedMulti-Site Environment Setup & Alerting



How does PAESSLER recommend setting up a multi-site PRTG monitoring environment with alerting? I have about 20 sites each with about 2K sensors. The current setup is central server, the rest remote probes.

This seems to case some issues with logging since all logs go back to the main site. Also alerting can only be set up from the main server. Example: if remote site's VPN/MPLS goes down to the main site, PRTG considers ALL sensors offline or in an error state because the link is down. However, the site is fully functional minus the tunnel or that specific sensor. Also, the admins of the remote site will get hundreds of emails about each sensor/device when the link returns since, I assume, emails are queued to deliver and only do so when PRTG connects back to the main site.

What is the recommended setup, or how should this environment be setup, so each site can alert on their own sensors, and each remote site does not have to go to the main site to send email alerts? In the above example if the link breaks, PRTG does not send hundreds of emails about everything being down at that site, but only the link between sites.

alert-setup alerts multi-site setup

Created on Jul 16, 2013 7:23:09 PM

2 Replies



To have the separate sites notify you would need to have separate PRTG installations installed. This is the one downside to using Remote probes. You could set this up with a Corporate license and then you would be able to deploy PRTG core installations at each site. Once you had those up, you can manage all of them by using the Enterprise Console and adding in the separate installations.

If you don't want to buy the extra licenses for the other sites, then the only way to stop all of the alerts from flooding out after the link is back up would be to set up the dependencies so that all of the sensors would be paused when the VPN link went down. This way none of the sensors would report a down status for that time.

Created on Jul 17, 2013 12:24:00 PM by  Greg Campion [Paessler Support]



In addition to Greg's recommendations, also make sure you are running the latest PRTG version. When a probe losing connection to the core, the sensors that probe manages should go to Unknown, not Down.

Created on Jul 17, 2013 2:28:21 PM

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