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FeedSNMP not responding (2003)after changing the IP adress of a device



I have changed the Ip address of one of my devices and all the sensord say "No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (erreur SNMP # -2003)"

2003 ip-address snmp

Created on Jul 18, 2013 10:46:04 AM

7 Replies



Please make sure to check if:

  • The new ip you just entered is correct
  • The other device is available in the network (the system that is running your probe needs to be able and allowed to send udp requests to that target and receive the answer)?
  • The snmp service running on the second device and must be using the same configuration as on the old one (snmp version and community string)

Created on Jul 18, 2013 12:52:13 PM by  Johannes Herrmann [Paessler Support] (1,360) 2 2



The new IP is correct , same Vlan than the probe. All the sensors of the device ( debian server) were responding fine until I change the IP.

PRTG version

Created on Jul 18, 2013 1:08:21 PM



So you changed the ip of the system and you changed the ip in the device settings in prtg, is that correct? Does the probe system have an ip address in the same subnet als the target system?

Created on Jul 18, 2013 1:29:41 PM by  Johannes Herrmann [Paessler Support] (1,360) 2 2



Yes it is correct. And yes.

Created on Jul 18, 2013 1:51:30 PM



Can you snmpwalk locally on the Debian server and it returns successfully?

snmpwalk -c public -v 1

That would be the first step. If it doesn't work locally, that is the problem...review the snmpd.conf, firewall/iptables, etc.

If it does work, then use the Paessler SNMP tester from the PRTG probe to see if that works. Go from there.

Created on Jul 19, 2013 10:12:11 PM



Randolfini has got a point. We'd like to add, that you can also use the Paessler SNMP Tester for the local walk. With the v5 of the Tester we added the possibility to perform snmp walks. If you only want to know if your SNMP is responding at all, you could also use the option "Read Device Uptime". Its very highly unlikely that the system uptime is not available on a system that supports snmp.

Created on Jul 22, 2013 9:48:19 AM by  Johannes Herrmann [Paessler Support] (1,360) 2 2



Any update Jean-Jacques?

Created on Jul 25, 2013 11:42:06 AM

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