This article applies as of PRTG Network Monitor 19
VMware (SOAP) Sensor with "Unknown Error" Message
PRTG displays this message when a VMware (SOAP) sensor internally runs into an uncaught error.
To help us fix this error, manually run the sensor in debug mode. This will generate a debug logfile that can support us in identifying the problem.
Generating the Debug Logfile
As of PRTG 15.3.19, you can generate the debug log using the Write sensor result to disk option that you can select in the sensor settings, section VMware Host Settings.
In older versions, some manual work is necessary:
Open a Windows command line and run the following command (after replacing the placeholders in '<>' with the according values):
'<path to your PRTG installation>\Sensor System\<sensor-executable>' -u=<username> -p=<password> -s=<server> -m=<MoID> -type=<vm|host|datastore|health> -debug=<path>
Replace the placeholders in angle brackets the following way:
- path to your PRTG installation: can be obtained from this article
- sensor-executable: use VMWareSensor.exe for VMware (SOAP) sensor types:
- username: the username to authenticate against the server
- use domain\username when running against a vCenter server
- use username when directly running against an ESX(i) host
- password: use the corresponding password
- server: the FQDN or IP address of the host or vCenter
- MoID: the managed object identifier that you can find on the sensor settings tab in your PRTG installation
- vm|host|datastore|health: the name of the virtual machine (vm) that you use, the host performance (host), the datastore, and the hardware status (health)
- path: the directory on your file system where PRTG will store the debug log. PRTG will create a file with the name <sensor-executable-name>_<MoID>_<starttime>.log in this directory.
Send this file to [email protected] for a detailed investigation of the problem.
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