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FeedNo way to adjust gauge maximums?



Just updated to the most recent release ( from an earlier version of 13 and now have dial gauges everywhere. The problem I'm having with them is they only scale off of the min/max data the sensor has seen. I was hoping that setting the "Vertical Scaling" to manual would affect the dial gauge, as if I have a 5mbit connection that's only ever seeing 1mbps, it looks like it's 100% utilized (and alternately, on a different sensor, there was a spike to 3,768mbps, so all traffic shows as effectively 0 on the dial). Am I missing a setting? or is there a planned improvement to make the scaling adjustable?

graphs packet-sniffer scaling

Created on Aug 19, 2013 8:37:59 PM

3 Replies



At this time there is no way to adjust the maximum value of a gauge manually. If you have huge spikes for one of your sensors you can reset it by either removing that day's data but that will also remove the data for all the other sensors for that day or you can pause / delete that sensor and recreate it then use the spike filter to stop that from happening again.

Created on Aug 20, 2013 12:44:21 PM by  Greg Campion [Paessler Support]



We need this feature, I think the gauge is completely useless if the proportions are not right of configurable. Is there a way to do it in the custom map object?

Created on Sep 16, 2019 3:33:20 PM



Hi there,

As the gauges come back from PRTG itself and are generated via JavaScript, there is no way to alter the values in a custom map object or custom map.

Best regards.

Created on Sep 16, 2019 4:48:10 PM by  Dariusz Gorka [Paessler Support]

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