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FeedSafari on MAC not supported anymore since



I always worked happily with Safari 6.0.5 on OS X 10.8.5.

Then i updated PRTG to version yesterday and since then it complains that Safari is not supported ????

I log in anyway, ending up in the mobile interface. Then i choose "Switch to AJAX Gui" and everything works again.

Whats up ?

13-3-6 ajax mac safari supported

Created on Sep 18, 2013 5:25:11 PM

7 Replies



unfortunately Safari is not supported officially and therefore we do not any compatibility tests with it. So it might be that Safari worked until the last release but we cannot guarantee this for future versions. Sorry.
The only advise here is to use either a other browser or using the already mentioned workaround.
Best regards

Created on Sep 19, 2013 12:52:29 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



I would appreciate if PRTG could have official Safari support. Please bring that back. We have 850+ sensors in PRTG and we are Mac users that use Safari, so Safari support would be greatly appreciated.

Created on Jul 3, 2014 9:27:41 AM



I will bring up your request in our next dev meeting but cannot promise anything. Sorry.
Best regards

Created on Jul 7, 2014 2:11:47 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



I can confirm that Safari in both Mountain Lion as well as in Mavericks work perfectly with the PRTG Web GUI. We use it all the time and have zero problems.

Created on Jul 7, 2014 2:14:34 PM



It seems very unreasonable that when you visit the PRTG site that it says the browser is not supported. Many of us support large Mac user bases. This is the default browser supplied with these devices. Since the release that this started, we now have to install and maintain Chrome *JUST* for the sole sake of logging into PRTG from a station to pause or put something in maintenance. If you feel that "it works on modern Macs with Mavericks or Yosemite", you should not have a blanket statement that it's broken. The warning seriously scares users off. Mac is definitely a growing platform -- certainly not used by servers, but used by IT professionals and end-users in the bring-your-own-device world. What is stranger is that you are in support of the other Apple devices, just not this. So can you please either release a native Mac App or support this browser -- which is standard on every Mac?

Created on Feb 5, 2015 12:28:50 PM



as mentioned earlier, the message is shown due to the fact the we do not test any compatibility with Safari. So we cannot guarantee if Safari works in current or future versions. Sorry.
Best regards

Created on Feb 11, 2015 3:39:44 PM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



I still can't get my head around why Safari on iPAD is supported (at least it does not complain and it works fine) but Safari on Mac OS X is not.

It's 2015. Apple Mac has a large marketshare and many professionals like myself work with OS X and Safari. Paessler can no longer stick it's head in the sand and pretend Safari on OS X does not exist.

Please re-consider supporting Safari on OS X. Thank you.

(on a technical note: PRTG still works perfectly on Safari 6, 7 and 8 so it's not like Paessler needs to change anything, other than it's testing-procedures to include Safari on OS X)

Created on Feb 12, 2015 10:02:21 AM

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