I'm trying to search the logs for when some of our web servers went down a while ago. I can filter by status (down), and I can filter by group (web servers, in this case), but both of these result in lists that are too long for me to work with. Is there a way to filter both status and group at the same time?
Can logs be filtered by status and group?
8 Replies
You can append the ID of the group to the URL for the status and vice versa using the API. If you were to do this, it would look something like what I have pasted below:
The section filter_status=620&filter_status=608 is for the down status and the section id=groupID is where you would specify the id of the group.
Thanks! That works perfectly. Manually editing the URL is a little kludgy, but effective.
Could you please specify the filter status values? In this example you used 620 and 608. What could be the other possible values? (For Warning, Unknown, Up, etc)
Also, in the API help section it mentions the following values:
Unknown=1, Collecting=2, Up=3, Warning=4, Down=5, NoProbe=6, PausedbyUser=7, PausedbyDependency=8, PausedbySchedule=9, Unusual=10, PausedbyLicense=11, PausedUntil=12, DownAcknowledged=13, DownPartial=14
But those values do not seem to work with the filter_status parameter for the log.htm request page.
If you click on the logs tab and choose the different filters by status changes you will see all of the various values. Those values in the API are for checking which sensors are in those states currently through the alarms page. Below are the values that you may want to use.
down=620, 608
pausing by user=603
pausing by parent=604
paused by dependency=605
paused by schedule=606
I was looking for status values and visited this post but it doesn't give all values, This is a complete list of status values that I found when I extracted PRTG's database to MS SQL Server, you can find it in the table named "dbo.Constants". I'm using PRTG network monitor version
Column | ID | Text |
Status | 601 | Unknown |
Status | 602 | Resuming |
Status | 603 | Paused |
Status | 604 | Paused By User |
Status | 605 | Paused By Dependency |
Status | 606 | Paused By Schedule |
Status | 607 | Up |
Status | 608 | Down |
Status | 609 | Warning |
Status | 610 | Unusual |
Status | 611 | Ok |
Status | 612 | Probe Connected |
Status | 613 | Probe Disconnected |
Status | 614 | Probe Info |
Status | 615 | Paused License |
Status | 616 | No Probe |
Status | 617 | None |
Status | 618 | Active |
Status | 619 | Down Acknowledged |
Status | 620 | Down Partial |
Source | 0 | Self |
Source | 1 | Parent |
Source | 2 | Library |
Created on Mar 15, 2016 3:16:28 PM
Last change on Mar 16, 2016 11:59:28 AM by
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]
Hello nabhar,
thank you for sharing!
Why did PRTG take away logs by group on PRTG 18? Im really upset by this, its one of the easiest ways for me to know what happened in a certain group and now its gone. I can filter logs by group on cellphone app but not on the web interface. I wish I could go back to PRTG 17. Can you guys bring this back?
Hello Ernesto,
thank you for your KB-Post.
May I ask what you elaborate? What exactly are you missing? Please share further details (or a screenshot) of what exactly you're missing. Are you using the API or web-interface?
In the current PRTG release (18.2.40) you can view the logs for any group by clicking the relevant group and then switching to the "Logs" tab.
Best Regards,
Luciano Lingnau [Paessler Support]
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