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Script to count the number of subfolders




I would like to Monitor the number of subfolders in a specific Folder.

I found the customer sensor in this link:


(by the way, I tried posting there, but I wasn't able to stay logged in whenever I browsed to that page).

Please not the Server is not a probe but simply a remote target.

I have implemented the custom sensor, but I always the error message

"Systemfehler: Folder exchange\c$\test folder\ not found. (Code: PE022)"

I have tried several forms:

C:\test folder "C:\test folder" C$\test folder "C$\test folder" exchange\c$\test folder " exchange\c$\test folder"

Nothing works.

How do I correctly specify the UNC path including a path with spaces?

The local path would be 'C:\test folder'.

I tried the Standard PRTG Folder sensor. This works, but unfortunately cannot give me the number of subfolders.

Whenever I defined the Parameter as "c:\test ordner"

I get the output:

--- Systemfehler: \test ordner" not found. (Code: PE022) ---

For some reason the "C:" is missing.

Please help.

custom script subfolders

Created on Oct 24, 2013 5:34:40 PM

1 Reply




thank you very much for your KB-Post. The script in the linked article relies on being executed locally. That means, either you do run a Probe on the target server, or you have to expand the script, so that it does connect to the remote target.
Please try using this link to respond to the other ticket.

best regards

Created on Oct 25, 2013 7:51:05 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

Last change on Oct 25, 2013 7:52:12 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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