Hello Paessler,
I was checking in the sensor options and PRTG manual regarding how to add multiple channels to the same sensor, however, as I understand only certain sensors allow additional channels.
I use a compiled oidlib to query 5sec, 1min and 15min CPU usage. I would like to create a sensor and include channels that would show the average, minimum and maximum values in the same sensor, so they all appear in the sensor graph, so I can see average, minumum and maximum CPU utilization histoy.
It is something similar to the Cisco command "show processes cpu history"
I tried to make a personalized SNMP sensor with OID chains, thinking I can add different OIDs to the same sensor and then edit them one by one within the same sensor, choosing particular values for each channel, but maybe I am wrong... I was not able to achieve this yet.. Thanks a lot!!
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