Important notice: The information in this article is outdated. Mini probes are deprecated as the OpenSSL version required to run them is out of support. You can no longer install new mini probes. |
Geo Tracking with the Android Mobile Probe for PRTG
You can use your PRTG Mobile Probe to show and track the geo location of your mobile device. With this feature, PRTG can show you in Geo Maps where your device currently is and which way it has taken to get there. PRTG draws the route directly into the geo map of your Mobile Probe device.
Note: This feature does not work with Google Static Maps!
Show Location of Mobile Device in Geo Maps
Please follow the steps below:
- Set up your PRTG Mobile Probe.
- Create a Location sensor on the mobile probe device.
- Open the settings of the probe device and scroll to section Location.
- In the first line of the Location (for geo maps) field, provide the default location (for example Northpole, or New York, Broadway, or the current location of your mobile device) where the device will be placed on the map. This location will be used if no location data is collected by the location sensor.
- Starting in the second line, add the code as given in the example below and adjust the parameters to your needs.
Example with location "Northpole" in the first line and the code to use starting in the second line:
Important: Make sure the last closing bracket is also the last character in the field and there are no blanks behind.
Note: If Geo Maps do not work properly anymore after adding the geo tracking code like above, try removing all line brakes and spaces from the code and write it into one line: Northpole{"id":1004,"count":20,"waypointstyle":null,"waypointmarker":2,"style":{"strokeColor":"#0404B4","strokeOpacity":0.7,"strokeWidth":2,"fillColor":"#0000ff","fillOpacity":0.1}}
Parameters to Use
- id: the ID of your Location sensor (look it up on the sensor overview page)
- count: the number of drawn past way points; the higher the number, the longer the tracked way
- waypointstyle: use ”marker” (do not forget the quotation marks) as parameter if you want to label the way points, otherwise use null (without quotation marks)
- waypointmarker: every n-th way point will be shown (would be every second point in the example above)
- style: You can adjust the appearance of the geo tracker in the map to your needs or use the style as provided in the example.
Save the location settings and PRTG will draw the movement of your mobile device into the corresponding probe device's geo map. Additional information will be shown in graphs next to the map, for example an indicator for the speed of the movement.
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