Hi, we have configured a SSH Remote Ping sensor which actually brings the error "No valid result from SSH Shell".
We have logged the result to disc and it shows:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- display = efprtg01.zgtroot.ads:0.0 sunos
Last login: Tue Jan 7 10:49:09 2014 from efprtg01.zgtroo
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005 echo PAESSHSTART;ping -s 32 2 | tail -2 | awk '{if (NR==1) printf "%s;", $7 ; if (NR==2) {n=split($5,valarray,"/"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {printf "%s;", valarray[i]} } ;printf "\n"}';echo;echo PAESSHEND;exit DISPLAY = efprtg01.zgtroot.ads:0.0 [1;24r[24;1H ZGTDRU1X% PAESSHSTART 0%; 0.0570;0.0620;0.0670;0.0071;
PAESSHEND ZGTDRU1X% logout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What could be the reason for the error message?
Thanks Marco
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