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FeedMonitoring SharePoint. What is the _total process?



Looking at the SharePoint process sensors for one of my servers, I notice one sensor for each Web Application.

But on another, SharePoint Central Administration is the only Web ASpplication with its name on a process. How come?

What is the '_Total' process? A sensor that goes 'down' if any of the 'real' SharePoint processes are down? As long as '_Total' is up, I can assume all the others are, too?

Does the list of SharePoint processes I see i nthe Add Senso dialogue, correspond to anything I can see in SharePoint or the Windows server?

process prtg sharepoint sharepoint-process wmi wmiprocesssensor wmisharepointprocesssensor

Created on Mar 10, 2014 12:45:48 PM

1 Reply



The differences for the sensors depend on the differences on the system being monitored and what is reported by WMI on the servers. You can check this information out with the WMI Tester to see what WMI on that server is reporting to see the differences.

In WMI there is a _Total field generated for the IIS processes that will show information for the entire IIS process. Again, you can see this info with the WMI tester. You can run the query with the WMI tester against the class Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService. The total doesn't really have anything to do with how PRTG monitors the IIS installation so this is not something that you can rely on for information about the overall installation.

You can see what this corresponds to when running a select * against the class above in the namespace root\cimv2

Created on Mar 12, 2014 9:55:14 AM by  Greg Campion [Paessler Support]

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