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Feedget string value from custom exe/script sensor or sql



Good day! I have such problem: I want prtg to show me string values, i.e. I have script, that peforms an SQL query and returns me 4 columns: date\time | integer1 | integer2 | integer3. PRTG shows message "OK" for this sensor, but I want to see this message. In the script I parsed result to 4 channels. PRTG excellently integers, but I can't see date\time message. Is there any way to show string values in PRTG? Thx.

custom-sensor sqlsensor string

Created on Apr 14, 2014 4:46:50 AM

2 Replies



To display a custom last message, you can put the tag

<text>Your message</text>

at the end of the output for your script and this message will be shown as the last message rather than OK.

String values cannot show up in PRTG channels. PRTG is only able to handle text as the last message or channel name so you could put the date in the sensor that way.

Created on Apr 16, 2014 11:01:28 AM by  Greg Campion [Paessler Support]



You might want to look at this answer as it provides more information about how you can handle string results.

KB: How can I monitor strings from an SQL database and show a sensor status depending on it?

Created on Jul 31, 2015 10:33:23 PM

Last change on Aug 3, 2015 6:13:05 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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