That's a shame. Given the value extracted by the query is in fact a string, is it possible to at least have the logic within PRTG notice that the string has changed, even if, because it is a string, the value reported remains at 0.
There's two ways of interrogating RSS - I used XML in the end, which I used the following parameters on:
URL: URL to RSS feed
XML Node: rss/channel/item[1]/description (this gives you the first entry, change the number in square brackets to pull out a different value)
You need to enable 'use namespaces' on this.
The other way is using a PowerShell script as a custom EXE/XML sensor, passing the RSS URL as an argument to the script (e.g. Script.ps1 http://URLtoRSSfeed)
$url = $urlToCheck
$wc = New-Object net.webclient
[xml]$xml = $wc.DownloadString($url)
$retXml = "<prtg>`n"
$retXml += "<result>`n"
$retXml += "<channel>Latest tweet</channel>`n"
$retXml += "<value>",$[0].Title,"</value>`n"
$retXml += "</result>`n"
$retXml += "<text>",$[0].Title,"</text>`n"
$retXml += "<result>`n"
$retXml += "<channel>Link to latest tweet</channel>`n"
$retXml += "<value>",$[0].Link,"</value>`n"
$retXml += "</result>`n"
$retXml += "</prtg>"
# Return Info
write-host $retXml
exit 0
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