This article applies to PRTG Network Monitor 14 or later, as well as to previous (deprecated) versions
Checking Websites for the Heartbleed Leak
You can use a simple Python script written by Jared Stafford to test your websites for the Heartbleed vulnerability.
- (installed) PRTG Network Monitor (you can get a free trial version here)
- (installed) Python 2.7 (see
- script and wrapper: You can download the script and wrapper here.
Set Up Monitoring for Heartbleed
- Place the script and the wrapper in the \Custom Sensors\EXE subfolder of your PRTG installation.
- Add a new EXE/Script sensor to PRTG.
- Choose the wrapper file as executable.
- As parameter, pass the server name (NOT the URL) to the script.
Note: The path in the wrapper might have to be changed to point to the EXE folder on your system.
You now will get the output VULNERABLE or NOT VULNERABLE as a message for your sensor. The value is either 0 or 1, so you can work with channel limits to define error states.
Important notice: This is only a quick workaround and only port 443 is checked. This is considered an 'ad hoc' sensor and does not come with actual technical support.
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