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FeedWhat is the Value Mode in channel settings?



In the channel settings of some sensors I have the option to select a value mode. What are the differences between these three modes?

channel examples gauge prtg settings value-mode

Created on Apr 24, 2014 1:38:12 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jul 17, 2019 5:43:36 AM by  Maike Guba [Paessler Support] (2,404) 2 1

5 Replies

Accepted Answer



This article applies as of PRTG 22

Value Mode in channel settings

PRTG has a special channel setting for sensor channels that show absolute values (so this setting is not available for traffic channels, for example). The section Value Mode in these channel settings provides three options to display values in historic graphs and tables:

Value modeDescription
AverageShows average values in historic graphs and tables. The average is calculated over all measurements in a specific table or graph time span.
MinimumShows minimum values in historic graphs and tables. The minimum is the lowest monitored value in a specific table or graph time span.
MaximumShows maximum values in historic graphs and tables. The maximum is the highest monitored value in a specific table or graph time span.

Single table and graph time spans depend on the selected historic data interval. The default historic tables and graphs are:

Live DataShows values of each scanning interval as defined in the sensor settings.
2 DaysShows values in 5-minute intervals.
30 DaysShows values in 1-hour intervals.
365 DaysShows values in 1-day intervals.

The following table illustrates which value is displayed in the graph at each calculation point or in the first line of a sensor's historic data table for each option:

Average modeMinimum modeMaximum mode
Live DataValue of last sensor scanValue of last sensor scanValue of last sensor scan
2 DaysAverage of all monitored values in the last 5-minute time spanLowest value of all monitored values in the last 5-minute time spanHighest value of all monitored values in the last 5-minute time span
30 DaysAverage of all monitored values in the last 1-hour time spanLowest value of all monitored values in the last 1-hour time spanHighest value of all monitored values in the last 1-hour time span
365 DaysAverage of all monitored values on the last dayLowest value of all monitored values on the last dayHighest value of all monitored values on the last day

Note: If the scanning interval is longer than the time span in one of the historic data graphs, the values are displayed as dots in this graph. For example, if a sensor has a scanning interval of 60 minutes, the 2 Days graph only shows dots because it is calculated in 5-minute intervals.

Value modes and gauges

Gauges on device and sensor overview tabs show an average symbol . This average also depends on the value mode. The average is based on the values as shown on the 30 Days tab. If you select the minimum or maximum mode, the average is calculated over the minimum or maximum values as given on the 30 Days tab. That means that it is based on the minimums or maximums of every 1-hour time span in the last 30 days.


Consider an HTTP sensor that shows the loading times of a web page. It might have a scanning interval of one minute, so usually there would be five sensor scans in a 5-minute interval.

Assume the following latest five sensor scan values as listed in the data table on the Live Data tab:

Date timeLoading time
29.07.2019 13:44:399 msec
29.07.2019 13:43:396 msec
29.07.2019 13:42:393 msec
29.07.2019 13:41:396 msec
29.07.2019 13:40:391 msec

On the 2 Days tab that shows values for 5-minute time spans, the three value mode options would result in the following data for this interval:

Date timeLoading time (value mode average)Loading time (value mode minimum)Loading time (value mode maximum)
24.04.2014 13:40:00 - 13:45:005 msec
avg: (9+6+3+6+1)/5
1 msec
(lowest measured value)
9 msec
(highest measured value)

The values for the other historic data tabs are calculated and shown accordingly (for example, average over the measured values within 1 hour on the 30 Days tab). Note that there might be rounding differences when calculating averages.

Graph for different value modes

Consider the following values. They were monitored with a 60-second scanning interval of the sensor, which means that there are five scans in five minutes. For the 2 Days graph and table, after each 5-minute time span one value is calculated depending on the value mode (Avg, Min, and Max):

Scan 1Scan 2Scan 3Scan 4Scan 5Avg modeMin modeMax mode
13:40:00 - 13:45:0096361519
13:45:00 - 13:50:00232222,223
13:50:00 - 13:55:00232412,414
13:55:00 - 14:00:0015446416
14:00:00 - 14:05:0026322326

The following graph illustrates the differences between the value modes (Avg, Min, Max) in a 2 Days graph (actually, this graph would be a snippet from the whole 2 Days graph in each mode):

Different value modes
Click to enlarge.

Created on Apr 24, 2014 2:01:58 PM by  Gerald Schoch [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jan 4, 2023 11:52:37 AM by  Brandy Greger [Paessler Support]




I get value as bytes from my custom library sensor , How can I convert and display it as Mega Bytes in graphs ? Can this channel value help me in doing this ?


Created on Oct 30, 2014 1:21:58 AM



You can change that in the device settings under "Channel Unit Configuration". This goes for all sensors that the device has.

Created on Nov 3, 2014 9:48:36 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



How can I disable the limits for one sensor with multiple channels at once?

Created on Feb 4, 2015 7:39:38 AM



I´m afraid, that is not possible. We will put your feature request onto our wishlist stack!

Created on Feb 5, 2015 2:19:52 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com

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