I have a report that lists all the ping sensors and their loss, etc... for the last 24 hours. For some reason though it doesn't include any sensors that have 100% downtime or loss. Also, where are the "html.reporttemplates." defined at. Like which file?
Here is the template:
<!--List of sensors: All Sensors With Stats--> <!--5000--> <#lang key="html.reporttemplates.title" default="Report" var="title"> <#include file="includes\reportheader.htm" varexpand="title" title=" | @title"> <img src="/images/reportheader.png"> <br/> <#objectproperty name="reportheader"> <h2><#lang key="html.reporttemplates.uptimeworstpercent" default="All Sensors With Stats"></h2> <div><#report type="statstable" columns="uptime,goodreqper,downtimetime,maxdowntime,failedreqper,probegroupdevice" count="1000" avg="3600" sortby="probegroupdevice" showposition="true"></div> <#cropmsg> <#objectproperty name="reportfooter"> <#include file="includes\reportfooter.htm">
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