We have an AKCP sensorprobe 2 and I'm having trouble getting the temperature value from it.
The testing I have done so far
- I have downloaded iReasoning MIB Browser, loaded the MIB for the sensor probe and correctly queried the custom OID and it does return the current temperature.
- I have downloaded the Pessler SNMP Tester 5.1.2, entered the custom OID and matched all the settings to make the same query, and the SNMP Tester returns an error
Value: No response (check: firewalls, routing, snmp settings of device, IPs, SNMP version, community, passwords etc) (SNMP error # -2003)
Both tests were conducted from the PRTG server using the same local user account. The firewall on the PRTG server is OFF and the AKCP Sensorprobe is running the latest version of its code.
I'm not sure why from the same server, same local account and seemingly everything else the same, the MIB Browser can return the right value, but SNMP Tester can not.
Any ideas on what else to try?
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