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PRTG API : can CSV export support UTF-8 encoding?



Dear Paessler Team

While using "/api/table.csv" function of the API, we notice that resulting data was not correctly extracted when it contains special symbols such as "é, è, ç..." (which are quite frequent in my country).

My question is : is there any option coming with "/api/table.csv" function such that we could explicitly mention the output encoding format (such as UTF-8 for instance) ?

Best regards

Mathieu Boscher

api csv prtg

Created on Jun 25, 2014 3:46:41 PM

2 Replies



The API output is encoded in UTF-8 already. May you send us an email to [email protected] referring to this thread? Please include the API call you are using, the output of the same as well as the language of your PRTG installation.
Best regards

Created on Jun 26, 2014 8:10:42 AM by  Konstantin Wolff [Paessler Support]



Guten tag

Brilliant, You are definitely right! We change the code accordingly, & now everything runs fine.

One more time, thanks for your precious help.

Mathieu BOSCHER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning Mathieu,

Thank you for sending over the files.

I just checked the same and it seems this is only a display issue when using Excel as by standard the encoding Excel uses is Windows 1252 and the files are UTF-8 encoded. Please try opening the file using Notepad++ (http://notepad-plus-plus.org/) you should not have any issues here.

If you want to open the files in Excel correctly you have to import the file but not just open it. To do so, create an new empty file in Excel. Then do to tab "Data" and use the import from text function there. As encoding choose UTF-8 instead of the Windows encoding. Excel should now show the data correctly (see attachment).

With kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Created on Jul 23, 2014 12:13:38 PM

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