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FeedWatchdogs Supergoose II MIBs



Hi everyone!

I have installed a few Watchdogs Supergoose II Environmental Monitors, and have configured SNMP on them. I then added it as a device and configured everything on the PRTG side.

I grabbed the Supergoose II MIB list. I have used your MIB Importer and created a OIDLib file which I added into my PRTG library (cool!). Then I dragged and dropped the device into the library and re-ran a auto-discover on it.

Unfortunately it came up with a bunch (about 20) sensors that say:

"This sensor has not recived any data since startup. Please check "SNMP Delay" channel of core/probe heath sensor. Consider distributing your SNMP sensors across several probes."

The server I have this device on is in fact an extra probe and barely anything on it. Also i can see the usual SNMP test sensors that were successfully added at the bottom of the SuperGoose II device list:

eth0 ICMP Messages In ICMP Messages Out (etc)

I even ran a prtg SNMP test and did in fact see responses.

I dont see any way to attach screen shots so i explained this the best i can.

library mib-importer oidlib

Created on Jul 9, 2014 5:16:54 PM

3 Replies



Hi too,

best short way may be to test the OIDs of your interest with the SNMP tester from the Paessler homepage. So you can test if the respective OIDs even exists and read the values. Also i recommend you to ask in a dedicated forum for SNMP Monitoring of the watchguards. Most solution exists, you "only" have to find it.

hth martin

Created on Jul 10, 2014 11:57:42 AM



Hey martin, i finally figured it out.

Would be nice if there was a more straight forward method of taking those exported MIBs and importing them into PRTG instead of just straight copying them into the directory.

Thanks for your answer!

Created on Jul 21, 2014 1:05:54 PM



There is an MIB Importer Tool on the Paessler HP. Did you try it? With these imported mibs you can use Libraries to autodiscover new Devices.

Created on Aug 26, 2014 12:00:51 PM

Last change on Aug 26, 2014 12:37:22 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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