Apologies for the self-answer but felt this may be useful for others.
If you'd like to have PRTG send chat notifications directly into HipChat Rooms you can use the Execute HTTP Action notification option.
1. Create a new Notifications (Account Settings>Notifications). Suggestion: create one notification for UP and one for DOWN. 2. Select Execute HTTP Action 3. Populate the Action:
URL: https://api.hipchat.com/v1/rooms/message/?auth_token=<INSERT V1 API KEY>&room_id=<INSERT ROOM ID>&from=PRTG&color=red
PostData: &message=%device %name %status %down (%message)
If you created separate PRTG Notifications for Up/Down you can set color=red and color=green appropriately.
You can obtain the room id necessary from the following URL: https://www.hipchat.com/rooms/ids
You will need to obtain a v1 API Key from your HipChat Group administrator.
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