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FeedSpeed trigger - email notification status



Hello PRTG community,

I have set up speed triggers on major interfaces to notify of a link being down. When traffic falls below 50kbps, email notification is sent and once the problem is resolved, another notification is sent again.

This works correctly, but I was surprised to see that in both cases (i.e. when speed threshold was reached - 14kbps and once traffic increased to 1006 kbps - above the threshold), the mail notification had green "tick" displayed, as if everything was correctly.

Naturally, in the first case when the traffic falls below the given threshold, I would expect mail notification to be red to clearly inform of a problem.

How can this be achieved without creating two separate mail notifications - one with "green" (ok) status and one with "red" (notification) status?


Martin Klepac

email speed threshold

Created on Sep 23, 2014 6:11:44 AM

1 Reply




Thank you very much for using PRTG! Threshold Triggers do not change the state of a sensor. For this please use Warning - / Error - Limits in the Channel Settings of the sensor as well.

best regards.

Created on Sep 24, 2014 11:58:32 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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