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FeedMonitoring Folder-Share Size and Growth



I'm trying to utilize PRTG for Storage Capacity Management, specifically Shares/Folder. How do I do this? Folder Sensor (D$\Foldername) returns only 0's (Status == Ok, but null data) Share Disk Free Sensor returns only % Free which matches the % Free of volume, and doesn't tell '% in use' or '*Bytes in use' WMI Share only gives me availability, no metrics.

I want to know the size of the folder in preferably configurable size units (MB, GB, TB) I want to alert on size > fixed value I eventually want support for quota enabled folders, where alerting can be based on % of configured quota size.

The Folder Sensor (D$\Foldername) is working but returning on data (all 0's).

disk folder share

Created on Oct 29, 2014 1:38:29 AM

5 Replies




Do you have entered Domain Administrator rights on the settings of the device in PRTG? Maybe the entered user has not read access to the sub folder over SMB.

You can change the "CHANNEL UNIT CONFIGURATION" in the device settings where the source sensor was created.

You can additionally define different checks and triggers for notifications, but you can configure thresholds after creating the sensor using the channel settings.

Created on Oct 30, 2014 2:45:50 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com




i've got the same issue. I want to monitor our shares which are provided with quotas on an windows 2008r2 host.

if i use the share disk free sensor i get the values of the whole physical drive. But i want to know the free space of the quoted share.

i've also tried to use the folder sensor. i have the same Problem as Doug above. the only thing i did not at this time is set the option "include subfolders" in case of there is an note to use this carful.

are there any possiblities to monitor Windows shares with quotas?

thanks in advance

Created on Feb 10, 2015 9:15:04 AM



Hello Bjoern,

Can you please send a screenshot showing the folder sensor "settings" tab via email? Please refer to this kb article.

Created on Feb 11, 2015 6:32:15 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com




Same issue to get the quota free space (in size or percent) with Windows 2008 r2 shared folders with quota enabled.

Do you have the solution ?

Created on Mar 4, 2015 1:52:49 PM




Please send a screenshot showing the folder sensor "settings" tab via email to support@paessler.com. Please refer to this kb article.

Created on Mar 6, 2015 2:34:24 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com

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