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FeedCheck if a file is changed - success/fail emails



We have been migrating away from using ActiveXperts monitoring software onto PRTG but we have now hit an issue with one alert that can be done with ActiveXperts but I cant see how to replicate it on PRTG

The alert in question is set to run at 7am each day and it will check if a files modified date has been changed since the last day, if it has it will send out an alert saying its updated if it hasn't changed then it will send out a failed alert.

Is PRTG able to do something like that?

date file-age file-monitoring

Created on Oct 31, 2014 10:43:51 AM

3 Replies



I would like to know if this is possible as well....we have multiple files that come down from a vendor that drive the call center operations for that day, no file equals big issue, we currently have the helpdesk manually check this everyday. Thanks

Created on Oct 31, 2014 5:44:36 PM




You can use the File Sensor or the Folder Sensor to monitor a file.

You can additionally define different checks and triggers for notifications, but you can configure thresholds after creating the sensor using the channel settings.

Created on Nov 3, 2014 9:07:32 PM by  jochen.greger@paessler.com



I have been playing around with the file sensor most of this afternoon to try and replicate what we have on the ActiveXperts software, but I cant seem to find a way of doing it.

On ActiveXperts we have a job that runs everyday at 7am that calls a vbscript (see below), which they have as standard. The way I understand this vbscript works is it checks the timestamp from the last time it has ran and if it has changed it send a success email out if it has now it sends a failure email out. Is there anything PRTG can do to replicate this?

Function CheckFileChange( strPath, strCredentials )

' Description: ' Check if a file has changed on a computer. Use network monitor service credentials to access the (remote) computer ' Parameters: ' 1) strPath - UNC formatted file path ' 2) strCredentials As String - Specify an empty string to use Metwork Monitor service credentials. ' To use alternate credentials, enter a server that is defined in Server Credentials table. ' (To define Server Credentials, choose Tools->Options->Server Credentials)' Usage: ' Usage: ' CheckFileChange( "<
Server\Share\Path>", "<Empty String | Server>" ) ' Sample: ' CheckFileChange( "
localhost\c$\windows\windowsupdate.log", "" )

Dim strPrevModDate, strModDate

CheckFileChange = retvalUnknown ' Unless indicated otherwise

If( strCredentials <> "" ) Then If( Not login( strCredentials, SYSEXPLANATION ) ) Then Exit Function End If End If

strModDate = getFileModDateString( strPath ) If( strModDate = "" ) Then CheckFileChange = retvalUnknown SYSDATA = "" SYSEXPLANATION = "File does not exist or cannot be accessed" Exit Function End If

strPrevModDate = getCacheValue( extractPlainFile( strPath ) ) setCacheValue extractPlainFile( strPath ), strModDate If( strPrevModDate = "" ) Then CheckFileChange = retvalUnknown SYSDATA = "" SYSEXPLANATION = "File was not monitored before" Exit Function End If

If( strPrevModDate <> strModDate ) Then CheckFileChange = True SYSDATA = strModDate SYSEXPLANATION = "Daily Cube has been updated. File has changed since last check." Else CheckFileChange = False SYSDATA = strModDate SYSEXPLANATION = "Daily cube might NOT have been updated. File has not changed since last check. Please check jobs or servers!" End If

If( strCredentials <> "" ) Then logout( strCredentials ) End If

Created on Nov 4, 2014 4:39:22 PM

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