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FeedFilter through the Acknowledge Alarms?



So our system currently sees 200 alarms and these alarms will not be fixed until business hours. The way that I monitor the alarms is by Highlighting over Alarms>Errors, and unfortunately I am not able to pause and/or anything else with these alarms.

I was wondering if there was a away I could continue monitor, and since those 200 alarms are going to wait, just hide them(without changing the status from Acknowledge to Pause) to where I can see the rest of the alarms?

Thank you, and I apologize for being new to this.

acknowledge alarms hiding-acknowledge-alarms prtg

Created on Nov 2, 2014 11:21:51 PM

3 Replies

Accepted Answer



Dear Kenneth,

Thank you very much for using PRTG. Just to check, to which page in PRTG are you referring to?
Going to "Alarms"->"Errors Only" in the main menu in PRTG, should give you a table with list of sensors in alarm state including acknowledged Alarms. But you can change the URL:




which will exclude acknowledged alarms. Saving this URL then as a bookmark in your browser will help to check the page every now and again.

best regards.

Created on Nov 4, 2014 3:27:14 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



My Question is how to get this filtered list usable in a map?

Created on Dec 9, 2016 8:22:24 AM



Hello, Essentially the approach is very similar. You need to edit an map object to create your own customized one. First start with the according html-file, for example the

\PRTG Network Monitor\webroot\mapobjects\tableA0.htm

Which is the Data Tables: Alarms map object. Create a copy of it, with its own unique file name, and also edit the name of the map object in the first line of the html - file for example to:

<!--Data Tables: Alarms without acks-->

and remove the filter_status="14" line from it, and save it. That should be it.

best regards.

Created on Dec 12, 2016 8:49:46 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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