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FeedError using SMTP/Pop3 Round-Trip



I'm using the E-Mail SMTP/Pop3 Roundtrip Sensor. The Mails are sent to the external Mailbox. This Mailbox sends the Mails to an internal Mailbox - both is working fine. But the Sensor always shows an Error: Checking for Messages: Maximum Trip Time exceeded (giving up) The Time-Settings are: Timout for SMTP: 300 sec Maximum Trip Time: 300 sec Connection Intervall: 30 sec

Thomas Baum

mailsensor pop3sensor roundtrip

Created on Nov 5, 2014 7:57:26 AM

2 Replies



More Information... When I have a Look at the POP3 Loggin Protocol, I can see that PRTG is retrieving the Mails out of the POP3 Mailbox. So the Mails are send, the mails are retrieved by the pop3 account and the mails are retrieved by prtg, why is there an error?

Created on Nov 5, 2014 10:12:57 AM



Found The Error! Missconfiguration of the Freemailer. I told the Freemailer to notify me when a new mail arrived. Must be a forwarding not a notification. With the notification the subject of the mail was changed, so that prtg did not found the mail coresponding to the mail it sends.

Created on Nov 5, 2014 10:42:14 AM

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