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FeedSNMP Custom String Byte to Mega Byte Conversion




I have managed to extract value using regular expression. My result comes in as Byte But I want to display it as KiloByte or MegaByte

Thank you.

custom-string-sensor snmp snmp-custom-sensor

Created on Nov 10, 2014 5:55:24 AM

6 Replies




Thank you very much for using PRTG. Please use a Sensor Factory Sensor here for the conversion.

best regards.

Created on Nov 10, 2014 8:28:43 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Hi Torsten,

Yes , that could be used. However , I am trying to do the following thing -

Step 1 - I have powershell script which can find out all VIP (virtual servers) on balancer and convert them to OID

Step 2- I am using PRTG API to check if there exists sensor for the above retrieved data(OID) from balancer.

Step 3- If there exists a sensor , skip that VIP. if not , I am cloning a demo/dummy custom string sensor and changing its OID to one of the VIPs.

So with this process , I can somewhat automate the graph generation for new VIPs on balancer's.

So For example , I have 100 VIP on 1 balancer which will generate 200 sensors (Traffic IN&Out) , Now using Sensor Factory Sensor I will have to create another 100 Sensors for data conversion. I don't think that would be feasible solution.

Would there be any other way for doing this ?

Thanks a lot, Amar

Created on Nov 10, 2014 8:37:53 AM



Well, then I'd suggest to convert the value inside your script.

Created on Nov 10, 2014 8:39:57 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]




My script is not querying for traffic data , it will just create custom string sensor and give them the OID. So the custom string sensor can work on its own.

Sorry , Its little complicated , It took me long to figure this out. The flow of things are as below :

1. PowerShell Script (Get VIPs and converts them to OID)

2. Check PRTG for existing VIP sensors - compare OID

3. If there is no existing sensors , Clone a dummy sensor and change its OID

4. Start the new cloned dummy sensors with new OID (It works on its own hence forth)

This is what I am doing , Does this make sense ?

Thank You

Created on Nov 10, 2014 8:48:08 AM



Then the Sensor Factory is the only option.

Created on Nov 10, 2014 8:52:03 AM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



Damn , I was really hoping to get this balancer thing working , I guess I will just have to move away from PRTG now. Please consider adding support(auto-discovery and all) for Balancers , They also are critical part of infrastructure , I have been testing PRTG for over 15 days now and I really don't think it should be that difficult , Most of the devices have pretty straight forward SNMP support.

Thanks for the help. Amar

Created on Nov 10, 2014 9:09:47 AM

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