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FeedWhere can i find from which WAN ip a server sends his updates to the paessler server



Dear Sir I have a customer who had a problem that his WAN IP changed, he payed for a static WAN ip but it changed due to a mistake of the provider, now we want to know how long this is going on. Because every month our customer paid for a static and didn't got it from the provider. He didn't said it immediately against us that his VPN wasn't working and that he couldn't connect remotely, so we don't know either how long this is a problem. Can I see this in paessler? I didn't created a sensor for IP in paessler, but when the server sends his data to the paessler server doesn't it get logged somewhere in paessler logs from which IP WAN this data comes from?

Kind Regards Tim Van Caubergh

logs prtg wan

Created on Nov 21, 2014 8:33:14 AM

5 Replies



Hey Tim,

yes you can see the IP witch has connected to the Main-PRTG Server. For this you have to look into your "Log"-folder into one of the "PRTG Core Server Log" files.

There you can find something like this: 18.11.2014 08:33:17 Probe: Incoming Login Message from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:YYYYY 18.11.2014 08:33:17 Probe: Sending Welcome Message to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:YYYYY 18.11.2014 08:33:17 Probe "Remote Probe Name" at XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:YYYYY has connected 18.11.2014 08:33:17 Login Message Done

This is an "re-login" for the PRTG Remote Probe. This could take place every day, or once a week i think, not sure, but with this you can check the ip-address of your customer. It is necessary to know the right remote-probe name, because this file is not so small ;).

For the right folder you can look to this link: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/463-how-and-where-does-prtg-store-its-data



Created on Nov 25, 2014 2:42:06 PM



The above suggestion requires a Remote Probe in the location of the customer. If a Remote Probe is running there, it might be easier to run a custom script checking a service like whatismyip and having the sensor then alarm upon changes. Additionally the script could write a text-log with the IP(s).

Created on Nov 25, 2014 2:57:30 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]



PTF.ExternalIP does exactly what is mentioned by Torsten.

It checks the ISP-assigned IP address of the Probe and goes into a warning state if the IP address has changed.

Using notifications, you can get notified when your public IP changes.

Created on Nov 25, 2014 3:26:42 PM



I know this is an old thread, but I also need(ed) to see changes in IP Address of the (Remote) Probes.

However, to some of my probes I don't have remote access to deploy PTF.ExternalIP and the "Logs (System)\PRTG Core Server Log (x)"-files are automatically rotated, so their I've a too short of a history.

To give you some background: I want to compare bandwidths from two probes to the internet. Both are behind the local firewall and have 2 upstream ISPs. Therefor if I want to run reports on them, I've to select periods where the connect to the core with the same upstream ISP.

So it would be nice if changes in the (Remote) Probe's (WAN) IP address are shown in either the probes own Log[tab] or in the Log[tab] of the Core. Alternative it could be a standard sensor to every Probe Device (or for example an additional channel to Probe Health, System Health or Common Saas Check).

I tried to determine this on base of hop-count, but that din't work for me.

However the (Remote) Probe's IP address is already recorded, as it is shown next to it's name. So to me I looks like it shouldn't be hard to get this in the logging (history) somehow. As a sensor(channel) would be extra nice, because then changes could be used to trigger notifications and can be added to the reports themselves.

Kind regards, Dimitry

Created on Mar 16, 2018 11:03:04 AM



I'm sorry, it's not possible to log the IP there.

Created on Mar 16, 2018 2:07:39 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

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