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FeedDisable RMON for auto-discovery



Is there a way to disable RMON in auto-discovery? For some reason PRTG adds RMON AND normal Interface sesnors ,since the RMON sensors are then pretty much a duplicate sensor to the interface sensor, I want to remove it from auto-discovery.

Is there a way to customize the auto-discovery to add more channels to the interface sesnor? Now it just adds input and output traffic, but I want it to add error/mulitcast/unicast etc.

auto-discovery bandwidthsensor interface rmon

Created on Dec 3, 2014 9:48:53 AM

2 Replies



If you have some sililar devices you can create a template from a device which has all sensors you need and then run an autodiscoveryy with this template.

I dont think its possible to add any channels to a sensor. If there is any easy solution for this it would be nice to know.

Created on Dec 3, 2014 3:46:58 PM



The problem with using a template is that there are often added ports to the switch over the weeks/months/years and I would like the interfaces name in PRTG to have the right name from snmp.

So I guess I have to create a template where I add all the ports even tho they are no in use, and auto-discover with that template. And in this template I'll also have to add more channels.

Created on Dec 4, 2014 12:52:49 PM

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