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PRTG Network Monitor

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Sensors not working after having a server time issue




Recently I had an issue in time configuration of my PRTG server. The date jumped to the year 2028 causing my PRTG graphs to not working anymore. I fixed the date, and enabled "Recalculate graph now"; however since then all my sensors are in Unknown state. I checked core server logs, local probe logs, and Windows events, there is no error message. Then I saved probe states in two different time intervals, and couldn't find any anomaly.

In my Monitoring Database folder there are two subfolders named 20281217 and 20281218, and last modification date of most of the files in these subfolders are changed to 2028/12/17.

Even I installed a fresh copy of PRTG on a different server, and migrated all the data from the previous installation to the new server. The result was the same. Is there any solutions?!


PS: Here are core server and local probe server logs. If probe state logs are needed, please let me know.

Core Server log:


12/28/2014 5:18:12 PM Startup: Starting webserver for IP (URL:
12/28/2014 5:18:12 PM Startup: Loading Configuration File: C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\PRTG Configuration.dat
12/28/2014 5:18:18 PM Load Done
12/28/2014 5:18:18 PM Update 1
12/28/2014 5:18:18 PM Update 2
12/28/2014 5:18:18 PM Update 3
12/28/2014 5:18:18 PM LoadFromXML
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM LoadFromXML Done
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM Startup: Loading Configuration File: OK
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM Startup: Objects: 5x probe, 9x group, 54x device, 358x sensor, 2x usergroup, 4x user, 3x notification, 8x schedule
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM Startup: Sensors: 1x corestate, 9x dns, 1x esxserverhealthsensorextern, 1x esxserversensorextern, 23x http, 13x httpadvanced, 12x httpfull, 43x ping, 1x pop3, 1x port, 5x probestate, 9x remotedesktop, 1x smtp, 8x snmpciscosystemhealth, 3x snmpcpu, 8x snmpcustom, 9x snmpdiskfree, 154x snmptraffic, 7x snmpuptime, 1x sntp, 1x syslog, 5x systemstate, 12x vcenterserverextern, 6x wmidiskspace, 1x wmimemory, 20x wminetwork, 1x wmipagefile, 1x wmiprocessor, 1x wmiuptime
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM Startup: Estimated Monitoring Requests Per Second: 6.047
12/28/2014 5:18:20 PM Startup: Init DataState
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 0 : 2077
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 1 : 93
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 2 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 3 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 4 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 5 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 6 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 7 : 16
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 8 : 126
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Timing 9 : 0
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Startup: Init DataState Done
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Startup: System Memory: Committed: 87 MB, Allocated: 69 MB, Unused: 0 MB, Free Physical: 5154 MB, Total Physical: 6143 MB, Free Virtual: 3861 MB, Total Virtual: 4095 MBFree Pagefile: 6229 MB, Total Pagefile: 7167 MB
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Internet Explorer: V9
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Startup finished: PRTG Core Server Ready
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Proxy Configuration for Activation
12/28/2014 5:18:22 PM Not Using Proxy Server
12/28/2014 5:19:22 PM LogManagerCore: #2292 0.00 sec , SystemMain: #1032 2.89 sec , EventStorage: #580 0.00 sec , EventStorage: #2712 0.00 sec , LogManagerAutodiscovery: #3048 0.00 sec , LogManager: #3840 0.02 sec , NotificationManager: #1968 0.00 sec , FactoryManager: #3668 0.03 sec , LogManager: #3932 0.02 sec , RawDataManager: #1624 0.13 sec , BackgroundCalculator: #1564 3.88 sec , LibraryManager: #2384 0.00 sec , DataSynchronizer: #3892 0.03 sec , DependencyManager: #1656 0.00 sec , ScheduleManager: #3252 0.14 sec , BackgroundManager: #2200 0.03 sec , ProbeManager: #488 0.03 sec 
12/28/2014 5:19:22 PM Save Cache
12/28/2014 5:19:22 PM Save Cache done

Local Probe log:


12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM Data Path: C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor\
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM System Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM Running as Local Probe via
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM Core Server Port: 23560
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM SSL Enabled
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM Probe GID: {A46E6533-25B7-4CA7-8549-5D666CBC2351}
12/28/2014 4:32:32 PM Init SNMP System OK
12/28/2014 4:32:37 PM Connected to
12/28/2014 4:32:38 PM Connected
12/28/2014 4:32:43 PM Send Login
12/28/2014 4:32:43 PM Login OK: Welcome to PRTG

recalculate-graph time unknown-state

Created on Dec 29, 2014 6:22:54 AM

Last change on Dec 29, 2014 3:42:51 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

2 Replies




Please do the following:

  1. Stop both PRTG services on your core server(core and probe services).
  2. Head to your data folder (can be discerned from the "PRTG Admin Tool", under the "Core Server" tab)
  3. Delete the "PRTG Graph Data Cache.dat*" file
  4. Go into the "Monitoring Database"-Folder and delete any future date and todays subfolder (The format is YYYYMMDD)
  5. Restart the PRTG services

best regards.

Created on Dec 29, 2014 3:45:03 PM by  Torsten Lindner [Paessler Support]

Last change on Jun 28, 2016 11:52:13 AM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]



Hi Torsten,

Thanks for the reply. Following your direction, now I have my sensors working however there are two issues:

1- All historic data and logs for all the sensors are lost. It is as if I just created my sensors recently.

2- Sensors for one of the devices are still in Unknown state. I can add new sensors to it, or recreate the existing sensors, but then I will lost all the historic data regarding that device.

To make it brief, right now I have my sensors hierarchy, configuration, and current state restored thanks to your help, but historic data for all the sensors is lost. Is there any solution to fix that one too?

Best Regards & Happy New Year

Created on Dec 30, 2014 7:30:40 AM

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.