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Can I create sensor to compare the data created with the previous day



I need to compare the "data created" stamp of a file, with the previous day time stamp. If the "data created" stamp an the previous day don't match, the sensor shall warn

data-created date prtg time-stamp

Created on Jan 20, 2015 11:38:15 AM

1 Reply

Accepted Answer



If the purpose of such a sensor would be check if a file has been changed, we've created a sensor to check a file against a static hash in order to tell if its content has been touched. The script uses PowerShell to check files on Windows systems via CIFS share. Maybe the script can provide a basis for a sensor for your purpose:

param (
	[string]$share = $(throw "-share missing"),
	[string]$path = $(throw "-path missing"),
	[string]$hash = $(throw "-hash missing"),
	[string]$user = "",
	[string]$pass = "",
	[string]$algo = "SHA256"

$ret = 0
	$pw = ConvertTo-SecureString $pass -AsPlainText -Force
	$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user, $pw)
	$null = New-PSDrive -Name tmp_hashcmp -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $share -Credential $cred
	Write-Host "<prtg><error>1</error><text>"$_.Exception.Message"</text></prtg>"

$filepath = $share + "\" + $path
$filehash = (Get-FileHash -Algorithm $algo $filepath).Hash
Remove-PSDrive -Name tmp_hashcmp

if ($filehash -eq $hash)
	$ret = 1
	$msg = "File hash matches expected value"
	$msg = "File hash is '" + $filehash + "', expected '" + $hash + "'"
Write-Host "<prtg><result><channel>"$path"</channel><value>"$ret"</value><valuelookup>prtg.ages.filehash.matchok</valuelookup></result><text>"$msg"</text></prtg>"

Created on Jan 20, 2015 1:25:54 PM

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