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FeedTrying to execute batch notification with psexec



Hi There,

I'm trying to test the notification batch method to create a notification with a exe/batch file and attach it to a sensor. The batch tries to fire up a command with psexec to execute it on a remote server.

With this we're able to recover remote servers when an error occurs.

I test the notification with the "test" button before actually let the sensor triggering it.

Nothing happens..

The batch file is within the paessler notification\exe directory. It contains: psexec
%remote server% -i -d -h cmd /c d:\dir\ip-config.bat

ip-config.bat contains ipconfig > ipconfig.txt

Should there be some way to troubleshoot this?

CHeers R.

batch notifaction remote

Created on Jan 28, 2015 9:28:09 AM

2 Replies



Dear Roberto

Please go to the main menu Logs / System Events / Notification. Does your previous click on the notification "Test" button appear on the log?

Created on Jan 29, 2015 1:16:20 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



The problem with executing a batch file from a notification is that, the batch file is wanting to open a console window in order to execute the PSEXEC application. After many hours of banging my head on this issue, The solution is to convert the .BAT file into a .EXE file configured to run in background. Then set the notification to execute the EXE file. There are many free utilities online which will do this conversion for you. Now I am able to execute all sorts of code across multiple domains with my notifications with PSEXEC and life is wonderful!

Created on Apr 8, 2019 5:27:10 PM

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