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Receive alert if no emails were received from backup software



Below sentence is part of the features described in the article:

"Also it can notify the responsible person if there were not received any emails by a backup during a certain time span".

How can this be done?

backup-monitoring prtg

Created on Feb 13, 2015 3:29:43 AM

1 Reply



If you enabled "Check Last Message Date" in the sensor configuration and entered i.e. 24h for warning and 48h for error threshold, the sensor will go into the corresponding state if there are no mails for that timespan. Under notifications, you can configure who should be notified (or what should be done when this happens).

Created on Feb 16, 2015 10:31:35 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Last change on Feb 16, 2015 10:31:47 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]

Disclaimer: The information in the Paessler Knowledge Base comes without warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk. Before applying any instructions please exercise proper system administrator housekeeping. You must make sure that a proper backup of all your data is available.