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FeedIn a map can I change the size of a gauge Object?




I'm using the Channel Gauges Small object in a map. When changing the size by adding a width and heigth tag in the html code all that happens is that the object looks like the normal Gauges Sensor object. The primary channel gauge gets bigger but the other channels stay the same. Is it possible to "zoom" in on all gauges?

Moreover I'd like the channels to appear sorted by ID instead of name but I can't seem to find the right variable. Can you help me with that, too?

Thank you all in advance and have a nice weekend!



gauge map-objects maps prtg size

Created on Feb 20, 2015 11:23:27 AM

3 Replies



Dear user

The channel list is sorted alphabetically, this cannot be changed.

Map objects can be manually edited. The general concept is outlined here: https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/1703

Using CSS, almost any map object can be scaled. However, in this case, the gauges themselves cannot be scaled.

Created on Feb 24, 2015 10:25:49 AM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Allright thank you very much for your Answer!

Created on Feb 27, 2015 10:38:56 AM



You can, go in d3.gauge.js file, and at the line 31, change 0.9 by 0.5 for exemple :

this.config.size = this.config.size * 0.5;

The size of gauge change!


Created on Jan 8, 2019 3:09:41 PM

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