I have enable the change trigger on a few SNMP string variables which are monitored by a sensor. Both sensors are getting values back of the type DisplayString. It looks like the change trigger does not check all the characters of the string??? From one sensor I get the following messages back : 20min, 21min, 22min all generating triggers which is as it should be. however, once it comes to hours... 1.00hours generates a trigger 1.01hours till 1.99hours does not 2.00hours generates a trigger.... Are you only checking the first 2 characters to decide whether there was a value change?
for the other sensor which is again a string where the values are changing after a decimal point (50.8567, 50.8577,50.8533,...) I never was able to see a notification based on the "change" trigger (I am 100% sure, Trigger "change" notification is enabled...)
How can I make sure that a trigger is always generated, even if there is only one character difference?
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