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Starting PRTG with 443 fails to load page only using 80 does the page load



I have made sure the local firewall is not interfering with 443 traffic. If I start the prtg server service using port 80 I am able to get to the start page. However when I choose to use 443 for SSL the service restarts with out issue but the page is not available. Running a netstat on the prtg probe does not show that 443 is a listening port either.

Definitely need SSL as this will be integrated with AD.

443 fails ssl

Created on Feb 24, 2015 2:45:28 PM

3 Replies



So I believe the issue SSL v3 was enabled on the server 2012 instance PRTG was installed on. With an older version of IE support SSLV3 i was able to get to the https page now. However this is not ideal. On the Server 2012 PRTG probe I have disabled SSLV3 and enabled TLS versions via IE on the server however it sill appears to be using sslv3 when excepting the ssl connection from the client.

Should I be disabling SSLV3 somewhere else in server 2012

Created on Feb 24, 2015 3:46:21 PM



Hi Joshua,

Which version of PRTG are you using?

Best regards

Created on Feb 25, 2015 6:50:35 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Silly error on my part. Updating the version of PRTG disabled its use of SSL v3 resolving SSL issues with browsers only supporting TLS.

The latest 15.1 version resolved the issue.

Created on Feb 26, 2015 5:43:00 PM

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