- Are SNMPv3 Traps supported now beginning from v15?
- . If not, is it planned in next release?
- If yes, is the maintanance of SNMP-engine-id a manual process or will this be rtrieved automativly, e.g. poller cache?
- If the engine-id of a target changes maybe due to RMA, what must be done in PRTG to decrypt the traps of the target identified by IP/name (same IP address, changed engine-id)?
- BTW: For active SNMPv3 polling sensors, how will it be handeled in PRTG, if the SNMPv3 targets are L3-clusters polled at the VIP (virtual IP) in place of their RIP (real IP addresses) for service not box oriented metrics. After member change the engine id will also change at same VIP the sensor measures nthis target. I know must monitoring systems wont be able to continue with SNMPv3 monitoring after SNMPv3-cluster-mamber change without rebooting the monitoring daaemon to renew the IP to engine-id mapping.
thx for answers, Steffen
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