I use PRTG in evaluation version and am very happy with it, I have a question for more experienced users
I created a SSH script to test active processes at a Linux server. This script test if a process runs the script returns an OK Return level (0:0:proces is running) This works fine.
The problem i have is the situation when the process isn't active. The returnvalue "0:1:process is not running" leaved the prtg test result OK the result tekst change tot "process is not runnng" but I want to change the test result in fault. This because the checked process isn't running.
I can set limits on the result value of the test to change the prtg check status from OK to failure however the test result text shows then the limit fault (limit fault messages, if set) and not the result text from the script.
I can also change the returnvalue in 1:x:faulttext the result is the prtg test status change to warning and not to error. The returnvalues 2,3,4:x:faulttext results in a test fault however a process, content or system failure and the test result shows this in the text.
The workaround I created is returnvalue 5::faulttext. The result of this return value is a test failure with as result text ":faulttest"
Is there a way to set the prtg test in failure in a correct way
Best regards,
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