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Telus v1000h snmp setup



Just installed PRTG, so VERY new to it, and trying to get a sensor set up to monitor bandwidth for a Telus Actiontec v1000h model router with firmware 31.121L.13, but when I go to add the sensor, it times out with the page saying it's the credentials (not sure where to put these), the ports required are not open, or snmp is not enabled, so does anyone know what steps are to set this up?

I HAVE tried looking this up in piles of forums, and Google, but I haven't found anything that clearly outlines whether it can (or can't) be done, and how (kind of need some 'specific' instructions as I am new to this)

Tried creating some kind of port forwarding in the Firewall and Applications sections, but neither attempt worked, so either I'm doing it wrong, I'm in the wrong area, or this router/firewall model is not equipped to allow this, so if anyone can steer me in the right direction (or let me know if it can't be done) it would be greatly appreciated.


bandwidthsensor router snmp

Created on May 26, 2015 3:49:59 PM

2 Replies




Most devices can be monitored via SNMP, unfortunately it does not look like this is possible for Actiontec devices: "We currently do not support SNMP on any of our products", found here.

If you exchange this router with a device which supports the SNMP protocol, you can have a look at this introduction video for Bandwidth Monitoring with SNMP and WMI.

Best regards

Created on May 28, 2015 12:36:01 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



Hey Felix,

Thanks so much for the reply. I had a feeling there was more to this than me being a newb, because PRTG seems pretty user friendly right out of the box and most of the tutorials I've gone through are pretty clear and well done.

Okay then, looks like I either need to swap ISP's, call Telus and get them to give me an SNMP compatible device, or go the aggressive route and figure out how to put a different router/firewall in front of the Telus/Actiontec one that does have SNMP capabilities.

For now option 1 isn't really available as I'm in a contract for at least a few more months, option 2 may end up a bust (I'm guessing Telus got these units at a cheap price, so you get what you get), and as for option three - I'm not completely tech illiterate, as I have set up routers before, and I actually bought a FortiNet WiFi firewall/router (not that I'm a guru by any means, was just cheaper than a Cisco unit and I want to learn), so...

It may take a while to figure out (or it may fail), but either way, it's the journey that matters most.

Of course, if anyone reading this actually has some experience with this journey, I would not be upset if they shared ;-) ;-)

Cheers and thanks again Felix

Created on May 31, 2015 7:04:12 PM

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