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PRTG Network Monitor

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FeedUpdated PRTG and now it's BROKEN



I updated to V15.2.16.2230 on the Enterprise Console and Network Monitor. After doing so my failover node lost connection to all sensors assigned to it and I cant connect to either PRTG server under 'All PRTG Server Connections' in the Network Monitor. I am receiving the error: NOT CONNECTED (ERROR IN CONTENT:)

I've seen other posts on this in this forum and none of them have been helpful whatsoever. Please help as this is my only networking monitoring tool and I absolutely need it to be functional in order to do my job.

I tried all the obvious things (yes, I updated to the latest version on everything, yes, i tried using secure/non-secure 80, 443, 8080 etc., yes, I tried rebooting both servers, restarting all services associated with PRTG, etc. etc.) I need some help please.

connection-issue error-in-content prtg

Created on Jun 1, 2015 9:04:25 PM

4 Replies




The error message "Error in Content" of the Enterprise Console indicates that there is no PRTG web server listening on the IP / Port configured. By default, The Enterprise Console tries to connect via Port 80 and will automatically switch to Port 443 if Port 80 is not available.

Please open the PRTG Administrator Tool on your web server and compare the web server settings with the settings of the Console. Please do also try to open PRTG via a web browser.

Best regards

Created on Jun 2, 2015 5:08:07 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]



I opened The Admin Tool on both servers (Master and Failover Node). I verified the web connection information (IP:Port, SSL settings, credentials, etc.) were the same on both nodes and that the Admin Tool mirrored the Enterprise Console. I AM able to connect to the Master Node, but I am now receiving the 'NOT CONNECTED (UNAUTHORIZED) message in Enterprise Console. I am using the same credentials as I used for the Master node and they aren't working. I don't think this is a credentials issues though. I think it could, maybe have something to do with the way I am trying to set the cluster up. So I opened the web GUI of Enterprise Console on the Master and checked the Cluster, but both nodes are showing up. I was able to successfully join my failover the cluster, yet all sensors/probes are showing down on the failover still.

Created on Jun 3, 2015 1:26:00 PM



Ok, Another update. I figured out the issue with connecting to each node through Enterprise Console. I ended up just creating a new service account in Active Directory and updating the credentials in Admin Tool and Enterprise Console with the new account. It worked perfectly. The account I was using before was created by someone else and I noticed it didn't exist in AD so it must've been cached or half-way stale yet sort of working in one node but not on the other...very weird.

So, now that I can connect to each node I am trying to cluster them and I'm running into some issues. I tried running through the Admin tool and setting up one as a Master, other as a failover, and using the Key to connect them up. It appeared to work but I'm still getting a Red alert on the Cluster Health Sensor located on the Cluster Probe of the Master. One of the NIC sensors on the Master Node Local Probe is down and so are another 200+ sensors on various RMON devices.

Please help. It seems I am inching closer to getting this thing working, but I need some help. I've tried rebooting, restarting services, etc. etc. Also, it was throwing errors stating there were 2 Master Nodes but that's entirely false because I have Admin Tools open on both right now and there is clearly 1 Cluster Mode: Master Node and 1 Cluster Mode: Failover Node and both have the same Cluster Access Key and their own unique Node ID's.

Help Please.

Created on Jun 3, 2015 1:56:46 PM



Hello, Good to hear that you were able to connect via the Enterprise Console. Could you please elaborate which error message you receive from the Network Card Sensor and from the SNMP RMON Sensors ? What is the exact error message if you click on the Cluster Health Sensor ?

Best regards

Created on Jun 4, 2015 8:33:53 AM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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