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FeedDisable port/interface detection w/Autodiscovery Template



I have some devices that have 7 interfaces, but I'm only interested in tracking one snmp interface. I have my template made up the way I want it to be for future devices, but when I apply the autodiscovery with template, I end up getting all those extra sensors for the ports I don't need or want.

How can I disable these particular sensor discoveries? Thanks, Kevin

autodiscovery devicetemplates snmp

Created on Jun 17, 2015 1:01:02 PM

1 Reply



Hi Kevin,

The auto-discovery with a template will always perform a meta scan for all existing interfaces and will add an SNMP Traffic Sensor for each interface with a traffic counter higher than zero.

You can use the Multi Edit Feature to speed up the process of deleting the additional sensors after the initial discovery.

Best regards

Created on Jun 23, 2015 12:23:56 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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