We configure our main router to send netflow with the following commands: ip flow-export version 9 ip flow-export source GigabitEthernet0/0 ip flow-export destination 10.X.X.X 2055
and on the interface: interface gi 0/0 ip flow ingress ip flow egress
So now we see all incoming and outgoing traffic within PRTG and everything works fine.
The problem is know this is our main router which hosts about 30 EIGRP Tunnels. At the moment we see traffic from all tunnels at the same time. So we're not able to have a look at a specific tunnel. I tried to find a configuration, so that i can make different configs for different tunnels on 1 Router. It's more kind of a Cisco Router question then PRTG but I hope someone had already the same problem.
Best regards Thomas
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