Scenario: Computer A is the core PRTG install. Computer B (called SHSRV.SHF.local), on a remote site, is hosting a PRTG probe and is also hosting Exchange 2010 - it's an SBS2011 box.
I am trying toa dd any of the Exchange sensors - Exchaneg Database for example, but they are failing due to WMI issues. I have enabled Analytic logging on the Wndows Remote Management event log and I can see the information flow, but I see this message:
SOAP [client sending index 1 of 4 total chunks (1500 bytes)] <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:w="" xmlns:p=""><s:Header><a:To></a:To><w:ResourceURI s:mustUnderstand="true"></w:ResourceURI><a:ReplyTo><a:Address s:mustUnderstand="true"></a:Address></a:ReplyTo><a:Action s:mustUnderstand="true"></a:Action><w:MaxEnvelopeSize s:mustUnderstand="true">153600</w:MaxEnvelopeSize><a:MessageID>uuid:B7623B18-4D7F-4EB5-89D8-DF75DCA7105C</a:MessageID><w:Locale xml:lang="en-US" s:mustUnderstand="false" /><p:DataLocale xml:lang="en-GB" s:mustUnderstand="false" /><p:ActivityId s:mustUnderstand="false">03EC8C60-F800-0004-5A8D-7C37B5DAD001</p:ActivityId><w:OptionSet xmlns:xsi="" s:mustUnderstand="true"><w:Option Name="protocolversion" MustComply="true">2.1</w:Option></w:OptionSet><w:OperationTimeout>PT180.000S</w:OperationTimeout><rsp:CompressionType s:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:rsp="">xpress</rsp:CompressionType></s:Header><s:Body><rsp:Shell xmlns:rsp=""><rsp:IdleTimeOut>PT240.000S</rsp:IdleTimeOut><rsp:
followed by this message
An error was encountered while processing an operation. Error Code: 2150859019 Error String:<f:WSManFault xmlns:f="" Code="2150859019" Machine="****"><f:Message>The WinRM client cannot process the request. Kerberos authentication cannot be used when the destination is an IP address. Specify a DNS or NetBIOS destination or specify Basic or Negotiate authentication. </f:Message></f:WSManFault>
The important bit from the second message is: Kerberos authentication cannot be used when the destination is an IP address
and the imortant bit from the first message is: <a:To></a:To> probably makes sense, as the probe and Exchange are on the same box. But what am I missing from the setup or any configuration please?
My prtg user (a domain admin) is authorised for remote management Set-User prtg -RemotePowerShellEnabled $True
Many thanks
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