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FeedHow to ignore "RPC Server not accessible" alarms ?



Hello, I am monitoring disk space on client computers with PRTG.

Those clients as opposed to servers are not powered up all the time. It is expected for those clients to be down and I do not wish to monitor their connectivity.

Out of 200 machines in the group, 36 display an alert, 34 for RPC Server unavailable (the machine is powered off), and 2 for low disk space.

Is there a way to ignore those 34 machines to only display 2 alerts for low disk space ?

connection-issue diskspace rpc

Created on Aug 24, 2015 12:17:37 AM

2 Replies



Hi Enelass

Maybe that could help?

Set a PING Sensor to the computer (I assume you use dhcp so you have to use DNS names). But configure this PING Sensor NOT to send any notifications when RED (in the notifications). Then for the free disk space, set a dependency to that PING. If the ping is not successful, the sensor will pause (sensor settings - snmp disk free -Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Window), if not it will tell you if you have enough free space on that Computer.

If you also use MAPS to display sensor status, then it would be a little bit more tricky...

Created on Aug 24, 2015 8:30:21 AM



Hello Thomas, Thank you for your help.

This is a brilliant idea ! After consideration, I realized that half of my clients have firewall enabled and block ICMP.

So if I ignore client that do not respond to ping (ICMP Type 8) but have RPC open (TCP 135), I would end up not probing them for disk space even though they are online.

As illustrated below:


$ ping computer.domain

Pinging computer.domain [IPAddr] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.


$ nmap -T4 -PN computer.domain

Nmap scan report for computer.domain (IPAddr)

Host is up (0.0040s latency).

135/tcp open msrpc

139/tcp open netbios-ssn

445/tcp open microsoft-ds

3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server

Created on Aug 26, 2015 2:31:10 AM

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