As a admin of a firewall with vpn solution its nice to have a sensor that shows a counter for local locked out vpn accounts. I use plink inside of a batch file
@echo off REM configure "Credentials for Linux/solaris/MAC OS (ssh/webm) Systems" for the device you want to watch REM create a PRTG "EXE/Script Sensor" under the device you want to monitor REM for Sensor Name select this script, the script you have to store in the PRTG installation folder, default is C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\EXE\Cisco-locked-accounts_exe_1.bat REM Sensor Parameters: %host %linuxuser %linuxpassword REM please keep in mind the filter (for /F "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "..:..:.." %output% ^| find ":" /c') do set value=%%i) has to be changed when remote-command changes REM assign prtg parameters (%host %linuxuser %linuxpassword) to variables set host=%1 set user=%2 set pw=%3 REM output folder c:\temp you have to create manualy set output="c:\temp\cisco-locked-accounts_exe_output_1.txt" REM change path to plink set pl="C:\Program Files (x86)\PRTG Network Monitor\Custom Sensors\PuTTY\plink.exe" REM variable for the command file that plink wil execute on the cisco set remote-command-file="c:\temp\cisco-locked-accounts_exe_1.txt" REM command that will send back info that you want to monitor set remote-command=show aaa local user REM create command file that plink will execute on the cisco echo login>>%remote-command-file% echo %user%>>%remote-command-file% echo %pw%>>%remote-command-file% echo %remote-command%>>%remote-command-file% echo logout>>%remote-command-file% echo exit>>%remote-command-file% REM if exists %output% del /F /Q %output% >nul 2>&1 REM plink execution %pl% -ssh -batch -pw %pw% %user%@%host% -m %remote-command-file% > %output% REM filter and count output for /F "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "..:..:.." %output% ^| find ":" /c') do set value=%%i REM output that prtg receives if "%value%" equ "0" (echo %value%:OK) if "%value%" gtr "0" (echo %value%:notOK) REM delete temporary created files del %remote-command-file% del %output%
you can modify this solution to get other values from a cisco asa also but keep in mind you can see credentials in the command file what will be executed on the cisco device, so please use a cisco account with only required permissions to get the values you want, do not use a admin account.
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