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FeedHow do Probes in the Deny GIDs list behave?



How do Probes work after they are added to the Deny GIDs list? Will the PRTG Probe Service continue to dial home indefinitely, or does the Probe Service stop connecting once it is added?

deny probe probes

Created on Oct 21, 2015 2:02:37 PM

1 Reply



we appreciate your inquiry.

The probe will never stop trying to "dial home", but the connection will be denied each time and it will be recorded in the core server's log.

We recommend uninstalling/disabling remote probes prior to it's removal or blocking that source IP to reach the core server on port 23560 as it can make troubleshooting much harder since each new connection attempt will be recorded in the core log.

Best Regards,

Created on Oct 22, 2015 5:44:29 PM by  Luciano Lingnau [Paessler]

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