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FeedCustom Sensor does not show scripts



Hi Paessler

I have a strange behavior. I just created a new custom script and copied it into the "custom sensors\EXE" path. Then i wanted to create custom exe Sensor with it. But none of my custom scripts appear anymore, only those you deliver with the PRTG installation. My other sensors which use custom scripts, don't work anymore after I restartet the PRTG service.

I already checked file permissions, the same as the demoscripts. I logged on as ADMIN on the PRTG Webinterface

batch-file custom-sensor prtg14

Created on Oct 27, 2015 9:58:35 AM

4 Replies



Do you create the sensors on a remote probe (or a device on a remote probe)? Then the scripts have to get into the respective folders on the remote probe itself, not the core server :)

Created on Oct 27, 2015 10:22:03 AM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



Yes, I just saw that by myself. :( sry.

Wouldn't it be a good thing that PRTG synchronises this folder to the probes?

regards Thomas

Created on Oct 27, 2015 10:28:33 AM



No problem :) Many trip over that :)

We won't do that due to security reasons - imagine that you have remote probe on customer sites, somebody gains access to your PRTG core server and spreads his scripts among all remote probes of yours. You wouldn't want that :)

Created on Oct 27, 2015 12:20:44 PM by  Stephan Linke [Paessler Support]



That reason is a damn good point why to not sync it. I will create a custom sensor then on each probe, which copies all the files from the PRTG Server to the probe ;)

Danke Thomas

Created on Oct 27, 2015 1:19:43 PM

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