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FeedSMTP relay only works for one user



I'm trying to set up PRTG to use an existing Exchange server as an SMTP relay server for notifications. I've configured all the settings in Setup > System Administration > Notification Delivery, and when I set the SMTP Relay Username and Password to be my own personal Active Directory credentials, I can send a test notification successfully. The log shows "Status sending Email: OK", and I receive the test message.

But I don't want to use my own personal credentials for this, so I'm trying to change the SMTP Relay username and password to another account. No matter what other account I pick for this, the test massage does not get sent, and the log shows "Error sending 'EMail': Client does not have permissions to send as this sender". This tells me that the identity being used to authenticate to the SMTP server do not match the from address of the email. But in the Notification Delivery settings I've changed both the Sender E-Mail and SMTP Realy username fields to match, so where is the mismatch occurring? Do I have a hidden configuration somewhere that is using my personal email address as the "From" address, so that's the only one that works?

Thanks, Dave

notifications relay smtp

Created on Oct 27, 2015 6:18:09 PM

2 Replies



Dear David

Please check the settings of the according AD email account settings, if it is configured to allow email relay.

Created on Oct 28, 2015 1:21:30 PM by  Arne Seifert [Paessler Support]



Yes, the mail server is configured to allow SMTP relay from any user.

However, I've discovered that it also allows SMTP relays without authentication, so the easier solution was simply to change the PRTG configuration to not send any authentication. I'm going to leave it at that and call it good, but it is still puzzling that it won't work with authentication.


Created on Oct 28, 2015 8:41:14 PM

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