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Netflow V5 custom (Template)



Hello Paessler Team,

We have a architectural question. We use "Netflow V5 Custom" Sensor for all our Locations (100).

We have worldwide exactly the same settings on all Netflow Sensors. Especially the channel definitions. But we have to configure every single Sensor by hand. Is there a way to inherit the channel definition from the top?

And second question, is it possible to save templates for Sensors (like this Netflow Sensor including this settings).

Thank you very much

netflow prtg sensor

Created on Nov 5, 2015 9:45:40 AM

3 Replies

Accepted Answer



Hi there,

Did you already try to clone the existing sensor? You can even clone the sensor to another device. This will only require to adjust the sender IP address if this is different in the other location, the channel definitions will be adopted. If the definition is equal for all sensors, you might even want to change the configuration of all flow / Packet Sniffer Sensors by following this article.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Nov 6, 2015 1:25:38 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

Last change on Dec 2, 2021 9:09:31 AM by  Maike Guba [Paessler Support] (2,404) 2 1



Hello Felix,

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

It's a good step to work with the "flowsensor.osr" file. But for us it doesn't bring a benefit.

In the "flowsensor.osr" (Channel Selection) is just possible to customize applications with TCP "Ports", right?

But for us is important to customize the "Channel Definition" with fixed IP's, like here:

  1. 3:ISS IP[] or IP[] or IP[] or IP[] or IP[]
  2. 4:Host IP[] or IP[] or IP[] or IP[] or IP[] or IP[]

Is there a possibility to make a standard setting for ALL 100Netflow V5/9 custom Sensors? Maybe with inherit? And when we Change one IP for all Sensors is it possible to change it central (as example flowsensor.osr)?

Thank you again

Created on Nov 11, 2015 12:38:51 PM



Hi Gundeline,

Can you please elaborate what exactly do you want to achieve? If the IP configuration are fixed for all flow sensors, working with the flowsensors.osr will be the best way. It will change all existing sensors and will apply the filter rules to existing as well as to newly created sensors. You can use IP addresses and filter for protocols and ports, the same as you do within the custom sensors. Please have a look at this article for the correct syntax.

Please note that if the filter rules are processed from the top to the bottom, so if one packet is matching the first filter rule, it will not be counted into the channels below. This is scenario 1.

Next you can use the multi-edit feature to bulk edit all of your sensors.

Important: Please note that if you bulk edit multiple channel definitions using this feature, you will overwrite existing channel definitions on those sensors.

The last possibility will be to configure two flow receiver sensors on the same probe, which both have different filter rules. This will just be required if the channels of the flow sensors are different and not equal for each sensor.

Best regards, Felix

Created on Nov 11, 2015 1:57:48 PM by  Felix Saure [Paessler Support]

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